Social Media Campaign


Social Media Campaign

Your part is easy, but very important and world changing. Here’s all you need to do: Download the “#mychoiceislife” moniker, print it out on a plain sheet of paper (black & white motif in “Landscape” orientation), and take a picture of you, your friends, family, or social group holding it.


Then, post it on all of your favorite social media sites and challenge everyone you know to join this effort to change the hearts and minds of Believers and others alike. Tell a short story about why you are resolute in declaring “My Choice Is Life”!

If you’d rather not download the moniker from us, please use: “Courier Prime” 72 pt. font in black.


AND…when you’ve done all of that, submit your picture and story back to us here at Chances are good you’ll see it posted here in our “Warriors Photo Gallery”!

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