The Real Trojan Horse Of The 2024 Election

Prologue: Troy


Recently, while I was sitting with the Lord, I saw an image of the Trojan Horse, referred to in Homer’s classic tale of The Odyssey. In the story, the well-fortified city of Troy had been under siege by the Greeks for ten long years. Although the people of Troy were safe behind its impenetrable walls, they were, nonetheless, weary of the battle.


The attacking Greek forces, wanting to strike the victorious blow, devised a plan to win through deception. Under the guise of retreat, they offered the citizens of Troy a peace offering in the form of a giant horse. As the Greek ships departed the shores of Troy, the inhabitants of the city, believing they had achieved victory, opened the gates and unwittingly allowed the enemy in.


The people of Troy, in essence, invited death, destruction, and defeat through their gates under the guise of peace. The similarities to today’s battle over abortion are striking. The Lord showed me that through the overturning of Roe, He set an impenetrable spiritual boundary that the enemy cannot breach unless the American people let him back in.


Prophetic Word


Then the Lord spoke to me at length about the “Real Trojan Horse Of The 2024 Election”:


How many more must die before the Church will stand in defense of the rights of the preborn? Though the tally of death rises daily through this practice of abortion, still, by and large, very few of My children have done anything more than feign concern over this ongoing destruction of innocent human life. For most are distracted by insignificant matters, and thus is their attention diverted away from this field of battle.


Neglecting Their Posts As The Enemy



And so does the slaughter of the innocent in this nation called America continue on, as the majority of those who were called to join this campaign have neglected their posts, leaving gaping holes all across this front; holes which, in turn, have given the enemy room to reinforce his position. For he is bent on once again erecting a nationwide stronghold through that genocidal practice of abortion. 


See then has not the enemy made his intentions clear, that he means to reclaim that ground? To that end did he send his heralds forth to publicly declare his agenda, thereby announcing to the American people his demonic plan, which is to see “abortion on demand” reinstated as a federally protected right in this nation. Yet America should beware, for the enemy shall not simply unleash a frontal assault, as he has already laid the groundwork for a lateral incursion: one which has been camouflaged by conciliatory rhetoric.


Vision 1


[The Lord highlighted the 2024 Presidential Election. Then I saw Joe Biden standing on the Democrat party platform with the banner behind him that read “Restore Roe”. Donald Trump and Nikki Haley came into view, both were standing on the Republican platform, and the Lord highlighted the word “consensus”. He then said: “It’s not just the obvious frontal attack that believers should be railing against, but a lateral assault that comes in the name of “peace”.]


The Word Continues: Do Not Let It In


And so like a Trojan horse (offered under the guise of peace, yet, in reality, was a carefully constructed trap devised to conquer an entire people) has the true enemy of this nation cloaked his lateral advancement within the terms of a consensus, pushing the idea that a nationwide agreement on abortion limits is the sure path for America to finally achieve peace on this matter. 


Ah, but America must not open the door and let this Trojan horse in, as the repercussions of this decision shall not only bring the destruction of many more innocent lives, but will enable the enemy to reassert his authority over the entirety of this nation. For he will then have been given permission by this people to reestablish the stronghold which I recently overturned.


Devastating Impact Awaits


So though the enemy’s strategy is not difficult to discern, still have quite a few who were given eyes to see not yet perceived the trap he has set. For most have not taken into account the devastating impact a nationwide consensus on abortion would have on the future generations of this nation, as their top priority is to see that man Trump retake the Oval Office, thereby evicting the current administration from that position of authority. And, as a result, his stance on abortion has been deliberately overlooked; for this issue, to them, holds less importance.


Vision 2


[I then saw a large group of believers, who in their hearts, had already partnered with compromise on abortion because they had placed their future hope in seeing Trump win the 2024 election.]


The Word Continues: Refuse To Accept

A Consensus


Yet do I say to the Church: “The intentional killing of the preborn must no longer be treated as an afterthought, as each of you has been called up to battle in the ongoing campaign to end abortion in your nation. Therefore, let Me state again, that none of My own should be found coming into agreement with anyone, especially those seeking political office, who support legalized abortion, for this position is demonically driven, and as such, should not be tolerated. 


Then it is time for the Church to make a stand, and refuse to accept a consensus on abortion under any conditions. For unless My own hold this line, surely shall the enemy retake this ground he is currently contesting, and thus shall “abortion on demand” once again become the national standard, thereby making it a right for a woman to kill the child she is carrying in her womb.


The Promised False Peace


Hear Me then, all you who hail from My Kingdom: The Church must not take a passive stance on this matter of abortion, and thus simply go along with the idea of a nationwide consensus (i.e. the real Trojan horse of the 2024 election). I tell you now, anyone who believes that, by taking this route, peace shall finally be achieved along the abortion front, has been deceived. For the enemy cannot be trusted to uphold his end of the bargain, and thus shall he aggressively push back against any boundaries established by a consensus until, eventually, all abortion restrictions are lifted, as he is, indeed, driven by a blood thirst that is unquenchable.


All Are Called To Action


Then to the Church, do I say: “Do not think you are exempt from fighting in this battle to save the preborn, and thereby no longer attempt to ignore its existence. For surely have the majority of My own simply sat on the sidelines while a small few of their brethren relentlessly contended in the fight for life. Get up out of your seats, then, and be counted amongst the valiant by joining your voices with those who are already found decrying a national abortion consensus.


Thus must the Church speak up now, or believers shall very soon lose the opportunity to do so, as then shall their voices no longer bear the weight needed to affect the course this nation takes on abortion; a reality that shall remain in that state even into the coming generations. Therefore, beloved, do not think to yourselves that abortion is a secondary matter. For as you can now see by the position taken by both political parties, abortion is at the top of the enemy’s agenda.


[This word was originally received 1/27/2024]


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