Last night’s debate was a confirmation of what the Lord has been warning America about concerning both Trump and Biden: that these two men are actually one in the same when it comes to abortion; both are “okay” with the murdering of innocent human lives.
So while some are still pushing the argument that Trump is the better choice because his position is less extreme, we again need to remind ourselves that there are no degrees of acceptance when it comes to the evil of abortion, no matter when it is done.
The Lord gave me this word of warning to America on June 21st, letting us know what will be the outcome if we vote into office any candidate that is pro-abortion, regardless of who they are or on which side of the aisle the candidate stands.
Prophetic Word: Choose Wisely
This is what I heard:
Hear Me you children of Zion, and all those who claim Yahweh as their King. The defilement of this land must cease if America’s prosperity is to be truly and fully restored. For any nation that allows for the murdering of its own children shall know the weight of My judgment against it.
Then do not think you have escaped knowing this penalty for your rebellion simply because you have not yet experienced its repercussions; for I tell you now, America, unless you turn aside from this wickedness and no longer give consent to its existence within your borders, great shall be the trouble that befalls you, which very soon shall be unavoidable if you do not quickly amend your ways. [See: 2 Chronicles 7:14]
The Consequence Of Your Disobedience
Ah then the “land of the free” shall no longer be, for back into captivity shall your people be led, as those subjugated under the rule of darkness, and there to remain for several generations to come. And so shall even your children’s- children’s- children suffer the consequence of your disobedience; thus shall decades pass before freedom shall once again be restored. [See: Deuteronomy 5:8-10]
The Price Molech Demands
Yet daily is the ‘blood of the innocent’ spilled upon your lands as the slaughter of the most vulnerable among you continues without any remorse, as it is before the shrines of Molech you have bowed, and it is at his behest that your leaders serve; for it is unto that dark king that their full allegiance is pledged. For you, America, seek the better life promised by him, which, in turn, requires the sacrifice of your children, as this is indeed the price he demands.
And so like a harlot who readily sells her virtue are you, America, for with very little enticement did you climb into bed with compromise in the hopes of securing your future. Yet that which you seek shall remain just beyond your reach, as the prosperity promised shall not know its fulfillment, for this was conditional upon you upholding My Will.
The Price You Will Pay
Thus shall it be that ‘barren are many branches’ found amongst your orchards, for in haste were the sprouts of new limbs cut away long before they had the chance to grow or reproduce. Diminished, then, shall be the longevity of those branches, for their end shall come much sooner than was intended; which, in turn, shall prevent the fruitfulness I had predicted from emerging.
Then what shall become of you America, if your orchards continue to be thinned out-of-season? Surely shall your trees not yield the abundance known in past decades, and as such, shall you be unable to produce the fruitfulness needed to keep you a thriving nation, as this, indeed, shall be the consequence of your defiant, and albeit, incessant pruning of limbs (if it is allowed to continue).
Do You Value The Victory I Gave You?
Ah but you, America, have not prized the tremendous victory you were just handed, for even now are you ready to trade that which should be highly valued, simply for the chance of knowing a greater sense of security. However, this decision, once made, shall cost you dearly, though you cannot, as of yet, perceive it. For that path leads right into an enemy trap, one that shall keep you ensnared as a nation for several generations.
A Remnant Remains
Fortunately for you America, does there dwell upon your shores a remnant of stalwart warriors: those who have refused to bow a knee to that dark king, Molech. For their full devotion is to My Throne alone. Thus does this faction of Kingdom loyalists retain the right and authority to challenge Molech’s claim over your spiritual terrain, for they have been unwilling to make any form of concessions with him, as his tactics of fear and intimidation have been unsuccessful against them.
Do You Desire The Chains Of Captivity?
Yet even still, America, shall the full manifestation of your prosperity be hindered. For the soil within your borders is still being saturated with the blood of the innocent. [See: Numbers 35:33] And yet, from that wickedness have you not offered any form of sincere repentance; a fact which I have not overlooked. Therefore, do not think the deaths of those preborn lives are of no consequence, America, for indeed, as a nation, shall I hold you accountable for allowing this murderous practice to continue virtually unabated.
Oh America, America, when will you entrust Me with your future instead of turning to those false gods and demonic kings whose promises are filled with deception, and only lead to bondage? Have you not yet had your fill of captivity? Or are you eager to return to Molech’s chains because the path to freedom has not looked as expected?
The Choice Remains
Just before you then, America, lies a choice, one that you cannot avoid. For you must now choose with which kingdom you shall align, as there is “no middle ground” upon which to stand, as that non-committal posture is only a facade used to bolster the lie that neutrality is possible. Then the hour is nigh upon you, America, where a decision must be rendered and the course you take as a nation is determined. So choose wisely what you will do. For to maintain your current course and heading shall only lead you back into captivity. [See: Joshua 24:14-15]
Yet does a glimmer of hope still remain, for your fate as a nation is not yet sealed, thus does there exist a slim chance that the future predicted can be avoided.
So Choose Wisely
Then I say again, America: “Choose wisely! For if you settle on one from that pool of candidates offered to lead you, it is the future generations of this nation that shall bear the full consequence of your decision. Therefore, choose wisely, America, choose wisely. For your decision, once made, cannot be changed!” [See: Hebrews 3:15-17]