A Schism Within The Church



Throughout history, most cultures have employed the horrific practice of child sacrifice. Although the Lord commanded His people to abstain from such evil, and preserve innocent life, they rebelled and a schism within the church had begun with those who worshiped that evil god Molech, passing their own children through the fire.


That murderous practice is ongoing today through legalized abortion, which is not only tolerated but accepted by those within the Church: those who should be seeking to protect innocent life to its fullest.


Believers who openly support pro-abortion candidates feel the Lord is “okay” with that decision, because their stance on abortion should not overshadow the benefits of the candidate’s other societal positions: national prosperity, law and order, and the like. However, the Lord is not indifferent to our choices. He clearly detests the shedding of innocent blood, which, as the creator of all life, is the preeminent position in His mind.


Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel


The Lord highlighted Matthew 22, where Jesus is asked which commandment is the greatest, to which He responds  ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” The simple lesson being, put God first, then treat others as what they are: the pinnacle of God’s earthly creation.


The life of Jesus was lived in keeping with the Fathers Will. He never deviated from that path nor did he ever choose to compromise, upholding the Fathers Will even unto death. He didn’t look for a work around so that he could avoid making a difficult choice, laying down his life willingly for us. Jesus was the life giver who came to save human life, not destroy it. As His followers that should be our aim as well.


If, indeed, this is God’s command, then how can we partner with those who are willing to allow innocent life to be sacrificed through abortion?


Prophetic Word


And this is what I heard.


A schism is now occurring within the Church; yet with purposeful intent did I cause this divide, for now all of the elect in America must choose upon which side of this line they shall stand, as I have clearly stated My position on abortion leaving no room for ambiguity. Therefore, none have any form of legitimate excuse for siding against Me.


The Choice


See then have I deliberately provoked these children to act, for now a firm decision must be made regarding their stance on abortion, which is: either they oppose that vile practice or they do not, for I have left them no other options from which to choose. Therefore, it is not simply happenstance that the battle over abortion is at the forefront of this election cycle, as I have made certain that the elect in this nation can no longer overlook its existence.


Thus has a defining moment come to the Church in America, one that shall decidedly impact her course. For if the majority of these children give in, again, to compromise and do not hold the line against abortion, their efforts shall prove ineffective should they try to combat that murderous practice in the future. For indeed shall it be as if the Church is contending against the enemy with a dull blade, cutting short their advance.


So though I have made clear My position, which is that the murdering of the innocent is abhorrent, even still are there a good number amongst the elect who believe I have made an allowance in their case, and thus shall avert My eyes while they actively and openly engage in rebellion.


Surely is this feeble thinking, for it is still true that they are to mimic Christ in all they say and do, which includes their involvement in the political system, and as such, should My children not assume that their permission to participate in the upcoming election is a given simply because they are guaranteed this liberty as Americans. For I have not issued that order, nor shall I, if those candidates in the running continue to support abortion.


The Dilemma


So then are the elect in America now faced with a dilemma, where they must either choose to walk in obedience, and thus actually trust Me with their future, or take matters into their own hands, thinking they will simply vote their conscience and, thereby, still participate in that farce of an election in an attempt to secure a better life for themselves. Yet have these children forgotten the foolishness of leaning upon their own wisdom and understanding, for surely can a man’s own thoughts lead to deception.


See then does the Church dwell in a state of disunity. For while a majority of the elect think it nothing to vote for a candidate who is pro-abortion, still is there a remnant that refuses to follow their fellow brethren down this path to folly, as these children see it as their responsibility, neigh, even their duty, to protect the lives of the preborn no matter the cost. Surely then, can those who truly support the right to life no longer stand alongside those who do not, and, in so doing, make firm the delineation between the two positions.


Call to Act


Thus am I asking My children to back their claims with action, where their assertions of being ant-abortion are evidenced with more than just words. For in this hour must they make it clear to which kingdom their allegiance falls. Will they stand with Me and thus reject out-of-hand the candidates offered, or will they cave to fear and give their assent to one of the names listed on the ballot, though I count this act as one of rebellion?


Then, the day is fast approaching where a definitive answer must be given; for with the elect in America there can be no avoiding this decision, as I have made certain of that being so. Thus is the schism within the Church about to become even more pronounced, as the true champions of life openly declare their intentions to abstain, and thus encourage their brothers and sisters in Christ to do the same.


And so let those who are the real defenders of the preborn boldly go forth and let your voice be heard, where you make public your choice of abstention by declaring for all to hear, “I will not vote!”, and then confidently hold your ground, knowing that this noncompliant posture is indeed in keeping with My Will. Therefore, do not stay silent on this matter, thinking your decision is not the business of others. For to keep quiet in this instance is surely an act of cowardice.


So to this remnant of defenders do I say, “Speak up, for the hour has arrived for your voices to be heard!”


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