A couple of days ago the RNC released its new party platform which, not surprisingly, aligns with President Trump’s campaign positions. While most admit it’s pro-abortion, some are quick to point out that it’s not as extreme as the Democrat’s platform of “abortion on demand. Again applying the “lesser of two evils” argument to justify supporting the concessions made on abortion.
It should be obvious to all that both Trump and the RNC are trying to hold the middle ground simply to appeal to more voters. While there’s been some push back from the Church, it appears a large number of believers are willing to go along with compromise in order to win the election; fearful of the outcome if Trump loses.
Identity Crisis
The Lord highlighted a word He’d given me back on May 5th about an ‘identity crisis’ happening in the Church, where too many believers don’t recognize the reality of who they are in Christ, and the higher spiritual authority that is theirs in Him.
Ephesians 2:6 says,
“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus…”
This verse speaks to the positional shift that happens when we accept Jesus as Savior. We no longer walk according to the course of this world but according to the life of Christ, teaching us to approach every circumstance from that higher perspective of divine authority.
Fear Clouds Our Judgement
What I saw was that because these believers lack this crucial understanding, their decision-making process over the 2024 Election is being driven by the fear of tomorrow, leading them to a compromised position on abortion, which, in reality, is an abdication of their spiritual authority; surrendering it to the enemy, instead of holding the line, even in the face of uncertainty.
Luke 10:19 says,
“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.”
In Christ we have been given the authority over all power of the enemy. So then we don’t yield to evil even when it seems the more reasonable option; we stand and oppose the present darkness that is seeking to overtake our nation.
A Vision Of The Battle Ahead
While receiving this word, I had a vision of a battle that was about to begin.
[I saw the Lord seated on a white charger set on a high hill, overlooking an expansive battlefield. He was dressed in full armor, holding a massive gleaming sword. I saw a few of His soldiers standing there with Him. Although He was ready to charge into battle, patiently waiting for the rest of His ranks to file in alongside Him, very few were showing up to man their posts. Then I heard the word “faint”, and I saw that the courage of the soldiers who were meant to fill those vacant places in His lines had grown faint because they don’t know who they really are.]
Prophetic Word
And then I heard this:
My children seem to have forgotten who they really are, and from whose Kingdom they now hail, nor do they think of Me as being the same God that is found in the Scripture, as the One who is still able to do mighty and miraculous deeds: those that are impossible for the likes of mere men.
Divine Citizenship
So though they are citizens of My realm, who even now, through Christ, have been given all the rights and authority of that divine citizenship, still they do not actually regard themselves as such. For their first inclination is to address the circumstances of their lives as do earthly men. Therefore, it is the thoughts of their flesh that have prevailed, and thus are these of My own easily swayed by evil, as they have yet to comprehend the higher level of spiritual authority that is already theirs. And so it is from the position of limited expectations that these of My own are found standing, and as such, are they basing their current decision to compromise on abortion upon their own perceptions of the battle at hand.
Mortal Mindset/Mortal Outcome
And since it is from a mortal mindset these children are operating (for they only regard this life from the perspective of flesh and bone), to them does there appear only a single option, for they have not considered there to exist another possible outcome than the one they have concluded shall be. And so do these children intend to maintain their current course and heading, for they have given no credence to the idea that casting their vote for Trump shall have supernatural ramifications because, to them, the spiritual realm is counted as less significant than that which is occurring in the temporal plane. Thus do they not see the ongoing fight in this nation over abortion as it really is: the battle between the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of Light.
Then shall these children have settled for a lesser outcome than was actually possible, as I am still able to triumph over the enemy, even when it appears, in the physical sense, that all is lost, for I forever rule and reign over the entire universe as Conquering King.
However, while these of My own consider that description of Me to be accurate in theory, in their hearts do they not actually believe their own assertions about who I am, and thus is their faith in Me not as firmly held as they claim. For there is little action to back their words, meaning, they do not practice what they preach. Although they may say I am King, and even refer to Me as Lord, there is little demonstration of this in their lives.
What Is Your Identity’s Source?
So while some of these children are upright in their conduct, and may even be considered as quite knowledgeable about the Scriptures, still their beliefs about who I am and what it means to live as a “Christian” are tightly boxed in the liturgy they have built: that which is firmly bound by the chains of religiosity. Thus are these of My own not operating in the fullness of who I created them to be, for their identity is derived more from their religious affiliations and the teachers they follow, than it is from who I say they are in Christ. As such do these children have a diminished view of the authority they have attained through My Son, and so are they, even now, willing to yield to the demands of darkness; for they have bought the lie that this is the only path forward.
Stand Here!
Ah but to these children do I say, “Stand, as do the truly courageous, who like Joshua and Caleb of old, do not back down from any foe, even when it appears, in the physical sense, that they are outmatched and outnumbered. For these valiant ones are confident of a victorious outcome because I have already declared it to be so, therefore, are they unwilling to strike any form of deal with the enemy, leaving retreat as his only option.
Then that which I spoke to Joshua of old, do I say again, “Be strong and very courageous, for as long as you walk inside the boundaries of My Will, then surely shall the victory be yours, for it is still true that I shall never leave nor forsake those who are Mine!”
Don’t Back Down!
Then approach this current challenge from that perspective, instead of as those who have no hope. For even now are you to consider yourselves as joint heirs to My Kingdom, as those who already bear the markings of citizens of Heaven. And since that is true, don’t back down so easily when the enemy rises up to contest the ground upon which you are standing, even when he blusters about and attempts a display of force. Stand with your feet firmly planted, for it is you who are the rightful owners of that terrain, and not him.
Do Not Align With Compromise!
Then do not align with those believers who say “We must compromise”! For I would never ask My own to go against the standards that govern My Kingdom, nor ever insist they form a partnership with evil as the pathway to victory.
Therefore, walk in your true identity, as those who are in Christ, then live as He did while upon the earth; for indeed do you already possess His mind. So then be imitators of Him in both word and deed. Seek, then, to do My Will in this and every situation, absent the fear of tomorrow. For I tell you now that if the Church in this nation makes a stand now and refuses to concede to evil on this matter of abortion, then indeed shall the way be cleared for the people of this land to know a monumental move of My hand.
But If You Don’t…
Ah but sadly the Church in America seems only interested in maintaining the status quo. For to them that choice seems more appealing than venturing into the unknown, and as such does Trump appear to be the better option of the two in the running. For surely will he not only restore this nation’s prosperity, but the Church can then settle back into business as usual. For to live a life of ease and comfort is the higher priority of most believers in America; thus are they unwilling to knowingly make a choice that might further jeopardize that outcome.
So though there does still exist a small window of time to change their minds, within most believers, however, this shift in direction seems highly unlikely. For surely have more than a few of My own forgotten that there is no one who can stand against them, if I am for them. And so are many prominent voices in the Church out proclaiming doom for this nation if Trump is not reelected, as he has surely been elevated like an idol in their hearts.
God Alone Will Save
Yet do I say, “You who are Mine should not be looking to a man to save you or this nation. For it is I alone who should be your hope and stay! And because you belong to Me, and thus are called to be My representatives on the earth, it is the interests of My Kingdom that you should be advancing, and not your own, nor those of America. For if I am Lord over your life, as most of you proclaim, then it is My Will alone that you should seek to accomplish. Therefore, if I say ‘Withhold your vote from that man named Trump’, then that is what you must do, even at the risk of him losing the election. For surely has he deviated away from the course I had set for him to follow.”
Hear Me then, you children of the Most High God: “Rise up now and take your place alongside Me in this battle over abortion, and thereby refuse to offer your support to the man named Trump, as he is now operating in conjunction with the enemy, and as such should be viewed as a defector.
Therefore, do not think him to be My chosen vessel, for unless he moves back into alignment with My Will, the plan for America I had hoped to work through him shall be delayed, and not have the opportunity to manifest again for several decades to come.”
So then it is not along party lines that you should be found standing, instead take up your position alongside Me on the field of battle, for it is here that your feet should be firmly planted.