Over the past 7 years that I have been receiving prophetic words, the Lord has spoken maybe two or three times about the issue of abortion and His intentions to overturn Roe V. Wade. But recently that changed when back in December of 2023, I had a prophetic dream about President Trump, which you can read about in the MCIL Post entitled: “A Prophetic Response To Trump & The Church”.
In it I saw Trump veer off course and head away from a more pro-life path. I then saw myself address him, and say “If you’re listening, Mr. President, my choice is life! Then I saw myself encouraging other believers to make the same stand.
Prophetic Word
And now, this is what I recently heard the Lord say:
Like a blight, has abortion been on this nation. For surely has its practice caused nothing but destruction everywhere it is found, as numerous are the lives that have been destroyed since the murdering of the preborn was legalized in America.
So while I indeed struck abortion proponents a heavy blow with the overturning of Roe, which in turn took away the enemy’s position of national dominion, yet even after having been delivered from that yoke of bondage, still are this people more than ready to give up their new found freedom if it means they can go back to living in relative peace.
Like Esau Of Old
For like Esau of old, who easily traded his birthright for a bowl of soup, so, too, are this people poised to trade their promised inheritance for simply the prospect of knowing momentary comfort and ease.
[Something I have learned about unpacking prophecy, is that the Lord is intentional when He uses specific terms or refers to certain people when He speaks to us. If we look at the story of Esau, we find this reality: that he hastily traded his birthright for the momentary comfort of a bowl of stew.
Do We Respect What the Lord Has Done?
The birthright according to ancient traditions was given to the eldest son, as he would not only inherit his fathers property and position as head of the family, but would also assume his fathers judicial authority as well. For Esau to trade his birthright so easily indicated his lack of respect for not only the privilege he would gain, but the position of authority he would obtain. He didn’t regard his birthright as having a high value.
Spiritual Authority, The Enemy, & Us
What the Lord showed me was that when Roe was overturned, spiritual authority was taken away from the enemy and given back to the American people: a powerful authority which he is desperately trying to regain by getting the American people to come into agreement with compromise.
Sadly, like with Esau, the American people don’t see the value in what the Lord just did for them by regaining that authority, as momentary comfort is the priority.]
What Price To Regain What Was?
Then the Lord continued:
And though the price to be paid in order to regain a more languid existence to them seems inconsequential at this time (for their sights are resting upon the here and now instead of on the future), surely shall this decision to barter with the enemy, if made, bring about unimagined repercussions: those that shall, at that point, then be unavoidable and long lasting.
Yet though history has proven that making a deal with the devil to be an unwise venture, still is it the tendency of man to enter into agreement with him, for compelling are the arguments the enemy puts forth to get a person (or people) to go along with his plans. And while the rationale he employs sounds reasonable on the surface, he should never be trusted, for his words are always couched in deception.
The Lie Dressed As Pragmatism
So while it is expected for the lost to easily succumb to his lies, those who belong to Me should not so quickly be fooled by his trickery. However, many of My own have already been caught in his latest trap, as they have accepted the lie that a nationwide limit on abortion would be pragmatic. For then, in their estimation, both sides on this issue win. Yet the reality which is lost upon them, is that the majority of abortions that occur in this nation are committed within the weeks said ban actually encompasses, and as such, a fifteen week abortion limit would do very little to actually curb the number of the preborn murdered in America.
Then that which was overturned would be reinstated, and darkness would again prevail, as abortion would, once again, become a federal right, thus making infanticide legal in every state. And so shall the enemy regain the authority I recently stripped away, for the people of this nation shall then have opened the door for him to re-enter and reassert his dominance over their entire land.
The Window Of Hope Is Yet Open
Ah but there still remains a window of opportunity to prevent that outcome from becoming a reality. However, to steer this nation back onto the right course shall be hard fought, for the majority of Americans are determined to see Trump regain the Oval Office no matter the cost, even if that means compromising on their beliefs. For what was once professed as “firmly held” is, in fact, “conditional”, meaning that these Americans are staunch supporters of the ‘right to life’ for only as long as this position does not negatively impact their own lives.
Then before that window closes, let those who stand for righteousness, and those who truly believe in the sanctity of all human life, aggressively contend against the dark agenda which is now being promoted in your nation. Stand against the lie of compromise: that falsity which says concessions on abortion are “okay” as long as it is for a worthy cause, like the winning of elections.
The Fear Of An Uncertain Future
See then that the enemy has made a strong case for accepting this proposition, as he has played on the fears of a good majority of Americans in order to leverage their support in favor of his evil agenda, and thus have many, in their hearts, already given him their ascent.
[What I saw was the fear of tomorrow in operation; the enemy was using the fear of an uncertain future to pressure Americans, and even believers, to accept compromise on abortion because he has deceived them into believing God’s only avenue to restore this nation is if Trump is elected into office.
He then shifted focus, and started speaking about certain popular conservative voices who were recently stating that voting democrat was unchristian. Something to remember before I continue, is that God does not favor one political party over another, so neither should we as believers; for you and I, our position should always be Kingdom first.]
Which Will It Be? America First Or
The Lord continued:
Then those who are out making vitriolic speeches against the Left for their extreme position on abortion, and thus declaring it is anti-Christian for a believer to cast their vote in that direction, need to be careful their words, for neither party, nor presidential candidate now in the running, are standing upon a “Pro-Kingdom” platform, as both sides of the aisle are pushing a pro-abortion agenda.
Thus, in My eyes, are these conservative influencers that purport themselves as Christian behaving like hypocrites, for they attempt to take the moral high ground all the while supporting a candidate who is advocating for abortion. Yet do they justify their position by portraying their candidate as less extreme, and thus is it more Christian to vote for him.
Ah but to My own, I say, “Do not listen to those voices, for their message is ‘America First’ and not necessarily ‘Pro-Kingdom’. Therefore, do not confuse the two, for the former does not automatically equate to the latter. And thus should it be with My children, that every Kingdom standard is to be strictly upheld, regardless of the circumstance. For wavering on My statutes, no matter the situation, opens the way for the enemy to enter and stake his claim in that specific ground.”
I Say: “Hold Firm To Your Position!”
Then to you who are willing, you who have not been so easily swayed by the opinions of man, do I say, “Hold firm to your position that abortion is evil, and let no one convince you to weaken your stance, and thus give into compromise. Resolve in your hearts now to resist any ploy that urges a more conciliatory approach to abortion, for this is not a ‘Pro-Kingdom’ agenda.
Then pray for your nation, your fellow countrymen, and for that man commonly referred to as “Trump”. Intercede on their behalf. Pray that he and all those who have veered off course would come back into alignment with the correct heading, where, instead of seeking compromise and exceptions on abortion limits, there is a shift back to the hard line stance of seeing abortion abolished for good in this nation.