Win The Battle, Lose The War

Our decisions may help us win a battle, but will those decisions ultimately cause us to lose the war?



In the recent weeks of the 2024 election, Donald Trump has been trending only upwards, so far as many of the polls are concerned. One recent poll showed nearly 60% of voters believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, with the other 40% being neutral or in favor of the current trajectory. Needless to say, things only seem to be looking up for DJT’s bid for his second term. That is without factoring in the abysmal performance by his opponent, or saying anything of the further two assassination attempts in recent weeks. If the election were to be held tomorrow, doubtless Mr. Trump would ascend to the presidency once more. In the minds of his devout supporters, the foe will have been vanquished and the battle won. To such as these I have a question: What good is it to win the battle, but lose the war?


This may seem a confusing question to those who have whole-heartedly thrown their support behind Mr. Trump—especially if they are believers. To many, he is God’s chosen for this time and a Trump victory is the culmination of His Will. However, to those with a more sober view of the current landscape of American politics, it would seem the lambs invited the wolves to dinner.


What May Lie Ahead


In the time since the first assassination attempt, Mr. Trump has made his platform clear and thus brought the rest of the GOP over to where he stands on the issues. He has stated that he will veto a national ban on abortion if one makes it to his desk, and at a recent town hall he did in Georgia, he said that the states whose abortion laws are “too tough” should be reworked. This is where I wish to focus attention. Not because what he said was anything new, but because of the implications lurking within his words.


For believers with any degree of experience in spiritual warfare, we know the enemy will use any and every avenue he can to wreak havoc upon the world. The things we would deem insignificant are a means to an end for our prowling foe, and often yield consequences we could not have foreseen in a thousand lifetimes. And he certainly is not one to easily surrender ground he has held for any length of time.


The overturning of Roe v. Wade was a massive blow to the abortion agenda in this country. Ever since, there has been endless wailing and shouting to have it reinstated and codified, which Kamala Harris has made a part of her platform. Now, given that he is taking credit for Roe’s overturning, Mr. Trump could make no such promise or risk losing support. However, because it seems he wishes to be known as a great unifier, he had to bring something to the table in an effort to garner support from across the aisle. Thus he created an avenue the enemy can use, even to a more devastating effect than might be seen upon first glance.


Should Kamala win the presidency and attempt to push for the codification of abortion at the federal level, it is doubtful she would succeed. Unless the Democrats won both houses of congress—even then history has proven that a dubious proposition—she would need support from the red states and would receive none. The Great Unifier, however, is far more likely to see the reins on abortion loosened in those states where he says the laws are “too harsh”.


Have You Considered This?


I wonder how many have taken the time to consider that side of the coin? More often than not I have seen prominent Christian leaders make excuses for Mr. Trump’s stance on abortion, or avoid the subject altogether. This act, which political pundit Charlie Kirk dubbed “pure evil” on more than one occasion, seems ok with lending his support to Mr. Trump because, “…you gotta win elections”. I have even had it said to me, “Sin is sin. God views it all the same”. If you believe that, I encourage you to reread your Bible. Should Mr. Trump ascend to the presidency once more, we may find that we gained ground in one area, only to have lost it elsewhere. Such things result when there is a willingness to compromise with evil, especially the kind of evil that preys upon children.


I would ask that you think on the story of Samson. He was a mighty judge who, no doubt, was used by the Lord to deal decisive blows to the enemies of the Children of Israel. His fall was not sudden, but steady—a trickle more than a deluge. Starting with “little” compromises like touching a dead lion because he wanted to satisfy his sweet tooth with honey from a hive some bees made in the carcass. Before long he found himself in the bed of his enemy, and spilled the secret of his great strength because the person asking gratified his lust. He managed to get his selfish vindication in the end, but it cost him his eyes, his dignity, and the presence of the Lord on his life.


Don’t Let The Enemy In


We cannot demand better from our elected officials only to cede ground so we can “win elections”. We must not allow any avenue of entry open to the enemy, or he will exploit it. Maybe we won’t see the effects of it right away, but that does not mean they won’t come.


We are meant to be God’s holy people, set apart for the work of the Kingdom—to be in the world but not of it. We must not settle for merely delaying evil, we must eradicate it wherever it is found, or we will be doomed to win the battle, but lose the war.


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